
This summer I am taking on the country with Harvey (My family's rv), my family, and dog Timber. And of course, my camera (an Olympus Pen-Ep3) and many, many, many books. Join us on this adventure through my pictures and writings.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Lakes, Islands, and Camping (Antelope Island, Syracuse, Utah Post)

We stopped as planned at the Oregon/California Trail Center.  We took a tour, which gave us an insight into the life of a pioneer journey.  It was a bit like a reenactment town, and I was able to learn more about the pioneers' trip which has always fascinated me. 

The lake shown is Bear Lake.  Bear Lake's color changes with the weather.  When it is sunny,  the color is blue;  overcast, green; and when it is stormy it appears aquamarine.  

After several hours of driving, hours I occupied by working on blog posts and trying (in vain) to create an origami lilly out of my tootsie pop wrapper, we reached the Great Salt Lake, and drove the causeway over to Antelope Island on which we camped.  The wildlife was amazing, we saw bison, pronghorn antelopes, mule deer, giant rabbits, a coyote, and many bird species.

Great Salt Lake is the remnant of prehistoric Lake Bonneville which covered land in present day Utah, Idaho and Nevada.  Lake Bonneville was actually a fresh water lake, and after it dried up, snow melt carrying sediments slowly filled the lake.  It has no outlet to the sea, so the only way for the water to leave is by evaporation, which raises the salinity of the lake.  The lake's average salinity is 12% which is 4 times the average salinity of the ocean.  However, the salinity varies around the lake, with the greatest salinity being from the northern salinity at about 25-26%.

A bison rolling in a sand-pit.  

Pronghorn Antelopes.  

Momma and baby bison.  

Mr. Coyote was chasing many giant rabbits, but I don't think he got dinner! Briar Rabbit outsmarted Briar Coyote again!

The sunset over the lake was beautiful, and it painted many amazing colors across the sky and the lake's surface.  Nature like this is really one of God's many miracles.  Here is a collection of some of my favorite shots from the sunset.

  (Don't worry, I didn't look directly at the sun!)

Even Timber really enjoyed the sunset!

This morning as we were driving away from the wildlife oasis of Antelope Island, we saw 3 or 4 burrowing owls on the sage bush.

Antelope Island is a rare jewel, as it is closer to nature and wildlife rather than civilization.  The area is beautiful and serene.  It has been one of my favorite camping spots, I think.

I am completely caught up now!  I should be able to do my usual nightly update today, too.



  1. Amy,

    Your pictures of the Grand Tetons were great and really showed how majestic they are! I also recall discussing with Grandpa and Grandma what it must have been like for those early settlers to see those mountains and know they had to cross them somehow! I have never been to Utah but your photographs paint a very pretty picture! I was interested to read about the salinity of the lake. I particularly like the sun set and I can see why you enjoyed the place so much! I was also glad to read that you did not look into the sun taking the pictures so you wouldn’t burn a hole into your retina.


    Uncle Chris

  2. Really pretty pics! Margie

  3. Good morning Amy! I saw these pictures last night but this time it was my turn to be too tired to type! They really are so pretty that I had to come back for a second look! The color of Bear Lake is perfect and now I think I know what the phrase "picture perfect" means. The sunset is glorious too! While I'd never heard of Antelope Island, I now know I want to visit there too. The owls are sooooo cool - how do you know they are burrowing owls? Some of the pictures look like you could be here in RI on the beach, the dunes and water are so pretty! But again, I'm surprised to see that no one is in all that inviting water, not even Karen.

    I hope you have another wonderful day today! And this time I am correct and accurate in saying that today is the last day your Dad is on the young side of the age-based divide, which is kind of like the continental divide, only a lot worse. Please listen closely and let me know if you hear any new creaks and cracks coming from his bones tomorrow morning!! Love, Auntie Pam <3

  4. Good morning Amy,

    It is a beautiful morning here in RI-however it looks pretty incredible there. Grandma was commenting that there really are no adjectives to describe all the beauty and glory you are capturing with your camera. She thought the sunsets in Key West, Florida were the best she had seen, yet she isn't so sure anymore.

    Have another wonderful day. Love, Aunt Debbie


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