
This summer I am taking on the country with Harvey (My family's rv), my family, and dog Timber. And of course, my camera (an Olympus Pen-Ep3) and many, many, many books. Join us on this adventure through my pictures and writings.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Sunrise to Sunset, Lake to Lake (Elwood, Nebraska Post)

This morning, Dad and Timber were early birds and went back to the lake.  Dad went early enough to see the sunrise, and took these pictures.

Another attraction of the State Park was this round red barn.

Photo credit also to Dad!
After we had been driving for a little while, and had one close shave with the low fuel light, and the initial exit we got off not having diesel, we stopped at Casey's General Store, a chain of convenience stores and gas stations throughout the Mid-West.  Although it was not even 10:30, I decided I wanted  soft serve and so we went in and I indeed enjoyed soft serve ice cream at 10:30.  As my mom has taught me, there is never a wrong time for ice cream!

It was a gorgeous day for a drive!
As corn fields are not all that interesting, I took a nap and missed the only curve in the road in Nebraska. Go figure. 

We drove under the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument, a tribute to the passage West.

More Nebraskan Corn in nice straight rows.
Timber darling has devised a new system to see out the windshield of Harvey.  

Mount Nebraska, the highest elevation in the state
We're staying at the Johnson Lake State Recreation Area, which is set on the Johnson Lake Reservoir.  It had a placard of history, so instead of sharing the history of the Roman Empire like I had planned, I can share the history of the area.  The Roman history can wait till I'm low on blog material.  Johnson Lake was named for George E. Johnson who was an electrical and civil engineer for the state of Nebraska, helping to design the Nebraska highway system and pioneered the use of Nebraska's farms to make industrial alcohol.  At the height of his career, he was the Chief Engineer and General Manager  of Central Nebraska Public Power and Irrigation District.  Between the years of 1934-1941, Johnson headed the project to create Nebraska's Chain O' Lakes, a system of dams, reservoirs, and canals for flood protection and irrigation as well as recreation and electrical power.  Johnson Lake is one of these such lakes and was created in 1940.  The Lake is protected as a Historical Marker in the State of Nebraska.

Timber drags me off to see the coolest things, (love that dog), and so here is tonight's sunset over the lake.     




  1. Pictures are great. My favorites are the Red Barn and the sunset. As you know I am a sunset person. Timber seems to enjoy being co-pilot. You might not get the job back. Beach Grandma

  2. I don't like your blog - it says "Your Comments Were Published" and I love being published, but they are not published. Dumb blog. Love, Auntie Pam

  3. Okay since my first entry did not publish (see above) I have to try this again from memory (not a good place for me to start). But I had written: Hi Amy!! And Karen and Rick and Timber! First, please don't ever run out of blog material because I am not that interested in the Roman Empire (sorry...) Second, I thought RI had the most pathetic "highest point" but I can Nebraska has us beat. Did you climb that beast? Third, if your Dad told you that you slept through the only curve in Nebraska then I'm going to guess there was actually no curve in Nebraska so you didn't miss a thing (I've been his sister for way too long!) Of course, you could always make him drive back and prove it to you - but then again that might cause you to run out of blog material and that would be bad (see above). Love, Auntie Pam

  4. Your comment was published. TADA! It was so now I am happy and I take back what I said - your blog is not dumb - it is fabulous! Love, Auntie Pam

  5. Stop eating my comments

  6. Yeah, What He Said! Stop that! Love, Auntie Pam


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