
This summer I am taking on the country with Harvey (My family's rv), my family, and dog Timber. And of course, my camera (an Olympus Pen-Ep3) and many, many, many books. Join us on this adventure through my pictures and writings.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Happy Birthday Dad!

Of course, July 22 is my Dad's birthday, and two years ago during our last trip, I compiled a blog post, where you submitted birthday greetings! It was a lot of fun to see all the birthday wishes so I'm going to  do it again!

To start it off, Here's a birthday throwback from two years ago to Dad in his natural habitat with binoculars!

Happy Birthday Dad!  Not many people get to do what we have, to go Cross County once, let alone twice, but here we are on the trip of the lifetime a second time! And for that I can't thank you enough! I love you, and I can't wait to go see the Big Trees! 

(In Latin, Laetus Dies Natalis, Pater!)


  1. Hi Amy! I will wish your Dad a happy birthday but first I have a very important question! Why on earth would the Latin translation of Happy Birthday have the word DIES in it? That does not evoke happiness at all and I am very confused. Thankfully, the creators of the current English language recognized that and inserted HAPPY instead! So, with all due respect to the Latin language, I will say Happy Birthday a little more cheerfully: Buon Compleanno Ricky! Karen would say it like this: 生日快乐 (don't get nervous Karen, but when I googled that translation, they said that is the simplified version!! The other version had more squiggles!!) Anyway, you get the picture! I hope my fantastic brother Rick has a spectacular vacation on his trip of a life time! Hugs and Kisses to All, Love, Auntie Pam!

  2. Oops - I meant to say "I hope my fantastic brother Rick has a spectacular BIRTHDAY on his trip of a life time!" But I do also hope it's a spectacular vacation - so far so good!

  3. Happy Birthday Rick-hope you have a tremendous day filled with new adventures. You deserve it. Love, Debbie

  4. Happy Birthday Rick. Know you will have a great day in sunny California with your family. Love Mom

  5. happy birthday from the lalliers

  6. Amy? O Amy, Amy! Wherefore art thou Amy?
    Just curious...
    Love, Auntie Pam


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