
This summer I am taking on the country with Harvey (My family's rv), my family, and dog Timber. And of course, my camera (an Olympus Pen-Ep3) and many, many, many books. Join us on this adventure through my pictures and writings.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Rocky Mountain High (Rocky Mountain National Park Post)

Our last big stop on our trip was to Rocky Mountain National Park. 

Grand Lake just outside the park.  

Rocky Mountain National Park was established in 1915.   The park offers a diverse range of ecosystems from wetland, to montane pine forests and hills, to the subalpine ecosystem to the delicate and seemingly barren alpine tundra. However, each ecosystem, is filled with different animals and vegetation.

"Are there any moose around here?"

We crossed the Continental Divide and continued Up! Up! Up! We were at over two miles above sea level here!
I can say I have walked across the Continental Divide! 

Up at the top of Trail Ridge Road (one of the main roads through the park), is a hike which was recommended by the Ranger.  It is actually called Alpine Ridge Trail, but on account of its gain in elevation from the already high (11,796 foot) pass, it has been nicknamed Huffer's Hill.

Huffer's Hill

From the summit of Huffer's Hill (12,006 feet)

From the summit of a higher peak! (12,304 feet)

Dad on a rock!

We all agreed that although we really enjoyed the big trees, we were glad we ended with Crater Lake and Rocky Mountain National Park.  They were the exclamation point on our trip.  

We got home Saturday afternoon, and in the end we traveled an even 8,050 miles, and visited six more national parks.

Also of note, on our drive home I took our road atlas and counted the number of states I have been in (35), so I only have 15 to go! 
In total, we have been to 18 national parks on our two trips, so I only have 41 more to get to the total of 59 national parks! 

Until our next adventure:

1 comment:

  1. Dang it, you beat me home. Oh well, see you soon!


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