
This summer I am taking on the country with Harvey (My family's rv), my family, and dog Timber. And of course, my camera (an Olympus Pen-Ep3) and many, many, many books. Join us on this adventure through my pictures and writings.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Rhapsody in International Orange (Golden Gate Bridge Post)

The night before, when we got home from San Francisco, we ate some of our bread from Boudin bakery.  (We devoured our cheese rolls.) And in the morning, we had sourdough bread for breakfast, and we realized we should have bought more sourdough bread than we did, so we plotted where we could hit another Boudin Bakery on our way out of the city toward the Golden Gate Bridge.  As we were on the highway, we saw a self-driving google car!  

Excuse the blurry cell phone camera picture!

Selfies with my buddy featuring Mom and Karen in the background
After driving around half of the border of San Francisco, a trip into an industrial park, a trip to the auto-parts store, where Dad inadvertently went over his 24 minute parking, and much confusion.  We arrived at the Boudin Bakery cafe (in the food court of the mall).  Mom and I went in and ordered 4 two pound loaves of sourdough bread and a bag of sourdough burger rolls.  (Hey! We were stocking up for quite sometime!) We were met by slight looks of confusion and "are you serious" by the cashier. This continues my streak of being judged for my family's bread addiction.  

Bread modeling (It's a thing)
        We are currently still reaping the benefits of our bread purchase, breakfast this morning!                                        


Once we had our bread, our sour dough insecurity diminished, and we carried on towards the Golden Gate Bridge, stopping in the Golden Gate Park, or rather slightly outside of the inner park area as there was nowhere to park.  However, we stopped to see the Dutch Windmill and the Queen Wilhelmina Garden.

We stopped at a National Recreation Area and scenic turnout to see the Golden Gate Bridge, but it was still mostly foggy.  However, Timber could come with us on the trails and she was a happy dog!

Photo-credit to Mom

Happy Dog!

The Golden Gate Bridge, of course, has a visitor's center, as well as one can walk across it.  However, there was no spot to park Harvey, so upon our circling, we found a parking lot for an historic military fort which wasn't far up from the visitor's center as well as it had a trail connecting the two.  One could walk around on the stairs and on platforms of the fort, and so while everyone else finished their lunch, I went exploring!

The Golden Gate Bridge is one of the Modern Engineering Marvels of the world.  Construction began on January 5, 1933 and was opened to vehicles on May 28, 1937.  The construction took place in the midst of the Great Depression and was completed in only four years.  Construction of the bridge was also record breaking because of how few fatalities there were.  Only 11 people died during the Construction.   The 4,200 foot long suspension bridge was the largest of its kind when it opened, and now is the ninth largest in the world.  In each bridge tower, there are approximately 600,000 rivets.  You might ask why the Golden Gate Bridge is painted in International Orange, and not Gold.  The answer is quite simple.  The Bridge spans the Golden Gate Straight.  The consulting architect Irving Morrow rejected carbon black and steel gray, and decided on Orange Vermillion, more popularly known today as International Orange because it is a warm color which matches the land masses and contrasts the cool colors of the sky and water.  It was also chosen for its easy visibility for passing ships.  However, the US Navy proposed the Bridge be painted in black and yellow stripes for eased visibility.  Thank goodness that idea was thrown out!

By the time we had walked down, the fog had lifted from the bridge and you could see the whole thing.  
The fog is called advection fog, and it is caused when the humid air of the Pacific Ocean flows over the chilly California current parallel to the coast.  The Golden Gate Bridge directs the fog pushing it up and down around the bridge.  High pressure can also squash it close to the ground.  The distinctive color of International Orange was chosen in part due to its visibility in the fog.  

Lucky for us, the fog had cleared up!

Hey! Karen and I match the Bridge!

View of Alcatraz from the Bridge (If you can't tell, I'm a little bummed we didn't get to go to "the Rock," but tickets for tours of the island sell out months in advance.  Oh well, I guess that's what you get when you go on a vacation without any particular plans.)

We walked out to the lowest point of the suspension cables in between the two towers.  I took a panorama, and  it makes the bridge look like a curve. 

A little flower garden spelling out the initials

My favorite of the flowers in the garden 

It began to fog up again as we were leaving.  

Harvey on the bridge

Pretty as a postcard! Good-bye San Francisco!

I'm almost caught up now! We are just outside of Crater Lake now.  Karen again has posted, a funny one that shows the affects of RV psychosis, what happens when we get trapped in here for too long together.  Timber, Dad and I still seem relatively untouched by this disease, but at this time, a cure has not been found.  Until next time!



  1. HI Amy! So glad to see you have found wifi and are back posting. I have a vacation day today so I get to catch up in my jammies and without thoughts of being late for work.

    Are you sure that Google car was driving itself and there was not some poor little old lady like me behind the wheel and you just couldn't see her? Seriously, that's pretty cool and having once again driven back and forth to NYC this weekend I can tell you that there are definitely some people that would benefit from a self-driving car and no I don't mean ME! Well maybe me... hmmm, then I could talk with both my mouth and my hands (my preferred method of speaking!) while looking around, taking in the scenery, while changing the radio station, texting, drinking water, maybe eating... WOW, come to think of it - I gotta get me one of those cars!)

    As you may know, I am not good at math, but I'm pretty sure you bought 8 pounds of bread plus some hamburger rolls. That certainly does fit the definition of addicted. I was going to add the nutritional facts here of a single slice of sour dough bread but then decided that would put you to sleep (lots of carbs + boring text = Shacksville!) You only live once so mangiare un sacco di pane!

    I love the last picture you posted - that really is pretty as a postcard!!

    Hugs and kisses to all!! xoxoxoxoxo Love, Auntie Pam

  2. Good Morning Amy. Once again I love your pictures. I love that flower too-the red and yellow together are striking. And timber looks so happy running on the beach, that picture made me smile.

    Since you have shared so many educational facts with us, I thought I could share one with you-the picture of you and Karen matching the bridge made me think of it. Redheads are incredibly rare, they make up 1-2% of the worlds population...or 98% of a Harry Potter movie. Goes up even higher if you are traveling in Harvey the RV! Have a great day, Love, Auntie Debbie

  3. Hi Amy! Beach Grandma typed a big long note to you and it got lost and messed up her iPad-poor Grandma! We got the iPad fixed now and she'll type a new message tonight. I'll send one too! Love, Auntie Pam :)

  4. Hi Amy and RV folks, Self-driving car sounds good to me. Think of all the places I could go. Do you think they get stopped for speeding? No, I have never been stopped. Maybe, Dad will buy you one. How cool will that be at East? Did Harvey get towed away or just reprimanded, after 24 minutes of parking? You went to a lot of trouble for sour dough bread. It really must be delicious. If you ate 2 pounds each, I suggest you do a lot of hiking. Toast does look yummy. When I went shopping today, I couldn't resist buying a loaf. I will continue walking on the beach, to work it off. Two red heads ( a beautiful golden orange) in sun, with the GG Bridge in background, great picture. Initials from flowers is very attractive. We should try it with our last name. It is only one more letter. Enough rambling on for tonight. Love to all, Beach Grandma


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